5 thích 0 k thích
189 đã xem

You have received an encrypted message from Julius Caesar-- the message is ebiil.  You are asked to decipher the message in order to understand what Caesar trying to say to you.


Luckily, Caesar has given you a hint, he says: 'I, myself, encoded the message by shifting every word backwards by 3.' 


Write a program that receives 5 characters 'ebiil'. Then decode those characters into 5 new characters.


#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

	char a;
    	char b;
	scanf("%c%c", &a, &b);
	//decode the message how??
	printf("%c%c", a,b);
	return 0;















This is an online-compiler, don't put anything except the codes. If you want to make a comment, please use // or /* */

[Normal] Coding (C) - đã hỏi trong Questions Bank bởi (5.9k điểm)
ID: 28126 - Xem được từ: Không giới hạn - Hiệu lực đến: Không giới hạn
| 189 đã xem

1 Câu trả lời

0 thích 0 k thích
Hidden content!
#include * * * * **
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

* ** * * *** * char a;
*** ** ** *** * * b;
* **** ** * ** * *** ******** ** c;
***** ** *** * ** *** d;
*** **** * ** * *** * e;
* * ** * * **
* ** ** * ** * *** * ** * *** * *** ** * ** **** ** * * ***
* * * *
** * * ** the message how??
* * * *
* * * **** **** * *** * * *** **
* ** * * * **
* * return 0;
trả lời bởi (221 điểm)
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Wrong output
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